Eng:751  Chin:547  Kor:547  Span:-  Tag:751  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:Witness Lee
Music:Miss Davis

Hymn using same tune:



 1  It is not by struggling,

       But by yielding all,

    I may rest from labor,

       All my burden fall.

    It is not resolving,

       But Thyself to heed,

    I'm from sin delivered

       And from bondage freed.


 2  It is not by letter,

       But by Spirit 'tis,

    I will be approv鑔,

       Share Thy life of bliss.

    It is not man's teaching,

       But anointing Thine,

    Which imparts Thy light and

       Fellowship divine.


 3  It is not resolving

       Now to run the race,

    But 'tis by Thy mercy

       I receive Thy grace.

    It is not by knowledge,

       But by grace alone,

    I can pass thru suff'ring

       To Thine image grown.


 4  Not by lofty phrases,

       But by power Thine,

    I the lost can pilot

       Unto life divine.

    It is not my wisdom,

       But Thy Spirit, Lord,

    Which alone can fit me

       To fulfill Thy Word.